Cook ingredients that you are used to cooking by other techniques, such as fish, chicken, or hamburgers. In other words be comfortable with the ingredients you are using.
--Bobby Flay
For Your Information
Please watch this area for important information like updates, food recalls, polls, contests, coupons, and freebies.- [March 19, 2020] - Effective Mar 17, this blog will no longer accept advertising. The reason is very simple. If I like a product, I will promote it without compensation. If I don't like a product, I will have no problem saying so.
- [March 17, 2020] - A return to blogging! Stay tuned for new tips, resources and all things food related.
- [February 1, 2016] - An interesting report on why you should always choose organic tea verses non-organic: Toxic Tea (pdf format)
- Sticky Post - Warning: 4ever Recap reusable canning lids. The reports are growing daily of these lids losing their seal during storage. Some have lost their entire season's worth of canning to these seal failures! [Update: 4ever Recap appears to be out of business.]
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Home canners often freeze berries and other fruits to be canned outside of the busy canning season. This frozen fruit is later made into jams, jellies and syrups. I really don't freeze fruits for this purpose. However, when I was preparing the larger chest freezer for our beef on the hoof purchase, I discovered one of the lids on a container of frozen rhubarb pieces had split. This happens from time to time when using harder plastic containers like the Ziploc or Gladware containers. The reason being, rigid plastic tends to get brittle when when frozen. If dropped or something is dropped on it, the lid or sides of the container can break or crack.

I thawed the stewed rhubarb then a bit of sugar and brought the mixture to a boil. I let simmer a few minutes then put the mixture into hot jars and processed in a BWB canner for 10 minutes. The end result was two lovely jars of stewed rhubarb ready to be used as an ice cream topping, stirred into plain yogurt or oatmeal as a fruit sweetener or used for making rhubarb crumble . It can be thickened slightly to use in fruit tarts.
It is always a good idea to watch for any tears in freezer wrap or plastic bags including vacuum seal bags or cracks and/or holes in hard plastic containers in the freezer. Food packages get moved around a lot in the freezer so can get damaged. If you find a package that has been damaged exposing some of the food, the food can be repackaged or cooked if it is not freezer burned. If the food is freezer burned, it is best to toss the food as the quality of the food has suffered.
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