
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Fish Fry Fare

How is that title for alliteration?  I have written a few times about fish fries on this blog.  These small, volunteer run events are run as fund raisers for the organization hosting the fish fry.  Fish fries are always a lot of fun.  They are very much a social event usually with the same people attending each time.  They are a nice way to enjoy eating out while providing community support.  

fish fry fare
We went to a community fish fry two weeks ago this Friday.  The food served at fish fries is simple, home style cooking by volunteers.  This was an all you can eat fish fry with the regular offerings that included perch, pickerel, baked beans, French fries, corn. coleslaw and dinner rolls. There were cheese, pickle and vegetable trays.  As always the food was delicious!

Due to an injury that night I find myself still on crutches which means no cooking.  What this really means is boredom is starting to set in as I haven't been able to do much especially in the kitchen.  Don't worry though as I still have plenty of cooking to write about until I'm back in my kitchen.  In the meantime I going through recipe books looking for new recipes to try.


  1. Wow I can't help it! I was adgitizing here until I see this picture, oh this looks so yummy. Oh I miss my husband's cooking (he is american and I'm filipino)

  2. I hope you heal quickly. ♥

  3. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Oh, a fish fry! Please feel better soon!

  4. Thanks Fishlover :) It was yummy!

  5. Thanks for the well wishes Linda and Jing Loh.


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