
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ribeye Steaks with Take-out Baked Beans

We buy beef on the hoof to stock our freezers at our primary residence so by far that is the beef we eat.  The exceptions to this if I find an excellent sale on meat or if I need a specialty cut from the butcher shop.  It is not feasible for us to bring beef from our primary residence to our vacation home due to the travel time and customs restrictions.  I'm sure we could figure out a way to bring a small cooler full with dry ice but honestly it is easier to buy our meat fresh when at our vacation home.  So far we have not found an actual butcher shop but one of the grocery stores has a meat counter where they will custom cut meat.

ribeye steaks
We certainly love our beef regardless where we are.  My husband is rather picky about how he likes the meat cut for steaks.  More specifically he likes the steak cut 1 - inch thick.  This gives a nice steak that can be grilled to perfection every time to rare or medium rare without the risk of over cooking.

Steaks should be removed from the refrigerator and allowed to come to room temperature for grilling.  This allows the internal temperature of the steak to increase enough that the steak can be grilled nicely without burning.  My husband seldom uses a marinade or rub as he prefers the flavour of the meat itself to shine.

ribeye steak dinner with take-out beans
I served the ribeye steaks with our favourite zucchini melody and the take-out baked beans we brought home from Mike's Smokehouse BBQ and Grill.  The baked beans with the added bits of BBQ pork are some of the best I've ever tasted.  I will certainly be working on a clone recipe for them!

The store bought tomatoes at our vacation home are very much like the store bought tomatoes we are forced to buy at home during the off season.  They are hard and quite lacking in flavour.  We came down in September right in the midst of the tomato harvest at home so I had been canning tomatoes and picking tomatoes from my garden.  I was so disappointed in the tomato quality at our vacation home!  If we come next September I am going to ask at at US Customs if we are allowed to bring tomatoes into the US.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful dinner!

  2. Anonymous11:58 PM

    That looked lovely!! I had to share this with you. I attempted for the first time ever to make a homemade cream of potato and ham soup. I was so nervous because of all the things I cook, this one I never have. I used the most basic recipe I could find and it came out great!! I used the ham bone and leftover ham from Christmas, boiled a few hours, potatoes, carrots, and made my cream sauce from oil, flour, and milk, a few seasonings and voila!

    Next time I will experiment with it a little, so if you have any good recipes for this, I'd love to try one.

    P.S. I'm the same with my grilled steaks, prefer the naked taste of the meat without the rubs or sauces...

  3. Thanks for the tip on room temperature meat. I did not know that!


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