
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jimmy's Fish House and Iguana Bar, Clearwater Beach, Florida

There are very, very few times that I will ever bad mouth a restaurant.  The reason being is normally if we do not like something about a restaurant, we simply don't go back.  Oh sure we may say something to friends or family but other than that, we just don't go back.  If there is a minor problem in one area of the restaurant, I will mention it here.  In this case though, this is a restaurant to avoid at all costs!

Jimmy's Fish House and Iguana Bar, Clearwater Beach, Florida
My husband went online and found Jimmy's Fish House and Iguana Bar to stop at after spending a full day at Busch Gardens.  Jimmy's is located at 521 S Gulfview Blvd. in Clearwater, Florida.  It is a restaurant within the Holiday Inn there.  Signage is rather limited and since the restaurant is located towards the back of the motel it is rather easy to miss. 

We visited on a Friday late afternoon with one of our friends and his 8 yr old daughter.  We had tickets to another event starting at 7:30 PM so had made sure we had enough time to stop and dine while still getting to the other event in plenty of time. 

open patio dining
The restaurant consists of a cosy, indoor sitting area with bar.  The outdoor patio is two tiered on the Gulf coast.  With such a beautiful setting we had high hopes of a gorgeous dining experience.  Wrong!

It was quite apparent from the start that the waitress was more intent on gabbing with her co-workers than attending patrons.  We sat a good 20 minutes with absolutely no attention from the waitress when finally our friend went up and asked for drinks.  The waitress finally showed up about 10 minutes later.  At least we were able to enjoy the view. 

all you can eat grouper
We ordered the all you can eat grouper that came without cutlery of which we had to wait another 10 minutes to get.  There were no condiments on the table so I finally went in and asked for salt, pepper and malt vinegar.  By the time all this was said and done our food was beyond cold!  The guys ordered a second helping of fish only and believe it or not, the extra fish took 34 minutes to appear.  The food itself might have been good had we been able to try it while still hot.

This restaurant seriously gets a two thumbs down in terms of service!  I honestly could not believe how horrible the service was at this restaurant.    There honestly is not one good thing I can say about this restaurant other than to avoid it like the plague!  It took us almost a half hour just to pay the bill.  To add insult to injury, due to the dining delays we ended up not being able to attend the other event of which we had already bought tickets to entertain our friends so we were out not only the price of the food but also the event that cost $40. 

1 comment:

  1. You are much more patient that I ever could be....I would have walked out after the first 20 minute wait. Hope you have better dining experiences in the future.


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