
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Deli Meal

During the busy holiday season there is a greater tendency to eat out or pick up take-out.  The premise is this saves the time of cooking.  At the same time is covers dinner on those nights where an unexpected delay occurs or you are simply just too tired to cook.  The problem with eating out is the expense and time it takes.  The problem most take-out is you spend a lot of time in long lines waiting for your food so you don't really save any time.  There is also the expense and the fact that most take-out food is laden with excessive fats, sodium and calories.  An alternative that puts a quick, home style cooked meal on the table at a fraction of the cost of most take out is deli take-out.  Save time by making the grocery store or superstore with a deli counter the last stop of the day and simply bring the meal home with your other purchases without having to make a separate stop.

deli meal
Did you know that KFC is the top take-out food over the holiday season? 'Tis true!  While KFC is tasty, it is high in fat and calories as well as having lactose as an ingredient in the form of milk solids in the coating.  It is also expensive with a 20 piece bucket going for $31.99 (15 pc - $25.99, 10 pc - $19.99) and a 20 piece meal for $46.99 (15 pc - $39.99, 10 pc - $29.99) in our area.  Extra sides of course will cost you extra as well.

Consider though that a comparable meal from the deli counter for a family of 4 costs about $12.  A rotisserie chicken costs about $6 if not on sale and each side depending on the size cost about $3.  The food is closer to home style cooking and there is a larger variety of sides (including leaf salads) than available at KFC.  In the end you can have a healthier, less expensive and more convenient take-out meal by taking advantage of the deli counter.

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