
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Personalizing Homemade Pizza

Homemade pizza compete with ingredients made from scratch have been a family tradition since our kids were young.  I'd put the dough into the breadmachine then my husband would form it into a large rectangular crust and each of our kids would top their piece as they wanted.  It was always a lot of fun!

homemade pizza fresh from the oven
My husband and I have kept this tradition when we make homemade pizza.  We usually use a homemade tomato based pizza sauce but not always.  The homemade pizza we recently made looked a little odd from its normal patchwork look but since the kids weren't home we went a little plainer.  My husband didn't want a lot of toppings on his just mushrooms, peameal bacon, onions and cheese while I wanted more (spinach, olives, fresh tomatoes).  So I made a kicked up  slice for me while my husband topped the rest of the pizza a bit more plainly.  He planned on taking the leftover pizza to the office for lunch the next day.  One of our kids is helping out in the office so I've been sending lunch for two.  Homemade pizza warms up so nicely so it's perfect for lunch.

my pizza slice
I love experimenting with pizza toppings and so far I don't thing I've come across one that I don't like.  My piece was about 6 - inch square and filled with great toppings.  If you haven't tried this method of building a pizza with your family, you will be surprised at how easy and fun it can be. 

The easiest way is to set out small bowls of favourite toppings for each family member to use on their slice as desired.  Once the dough is formed and the sauce spread let the fun begin.  It's funny too because kids have one idea of what their pizza slice will look like but the look changes when the pizza is cooked.  You can even make it a bit more challenging by voting on who's pizza slice looks the best.  I think this is just such a family fun time event to be shared making wonderful memories while enjoying geat food!

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