
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cod with Potatoes and Squash Cooked in Foil

Cooking in foil packets is a frugal method that results in moist, tender foods with a lower cooking time.  Clean-up is minimal with the foil being put into the recycle bin if allowable or tossed.  Individual vegetable sides or an entire entrée can be cooked in foil packets making this method ideal for outdoor cooking on the grill or over an open fire.

foil potato and squash packets
The nice thing about using foil is it can be formed to the shape of the food.  Using a foil packet is my favourite method for cooking acorn squash.  I cut the squash in half and scoop out the seeds.  Then I place about a teaspoon of butter and a little salt in the hollow,  then wrap each half in foil.  Pictured are the squash and potatoes I cooked in foil packets.

I quartered the potatoes then placed on a sheet of tin foil.  I drizzled a little olive oil over the potatoes, added about a tablespoon of butter then sprinkled with sea salt and fresh ground pepper.  I sealed the packet tightly and placed in on a baking sheet along with the squash.  I baked the squash and potatoes at 180ºC (350ºF) for 35 minutes.  Once the squash was cooked I unwrapped in and mashed the resulting liquid in the centre into the squash pulp.

cod dinner with potatoes and squash cooked in foil packets
Squash seems to be one of those vegetables that just doesn't get a lot of attention.  Yet it is an extremely frugal vegetable when bought in season.  Locally acorn squash is priced at 5 for $1.25 or 25¢ each.  Other squash (eg. butternut, spaghetti, crooked neck) are priced anywhere from $1 to $3 each in season.  That makes squash a very frugal side dish but squash can also be used in place of pumpkin (also a squash) to make pies, quick breads or muffins and soups.  Mashed squash can be frozen in muffin tins for individual serving sizes.  Squash soup also freezes nicely.

It was a bit larger meal starting with shrimp cocktail as the appetizer.  I served the foil cooked mashed squash and red potatoes with steamed spinach and pan fried Atlantic cod loins as the entrée with a small side salad.  I have to say these are some of the best cod loins we have ever found!  They are delivered right to our door.  I just bought a second box of them because we enjoy them so much.


  1. the food looks nice n healthy ^ ^

  2. Thanks wintergurl :)

  3. Alaina3:03 PM

    Sounds great! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.


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