
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Using Up the Leftover Ribeye Steak

We eat a lot of beef which means we eat a lot of steak as well but it is good quality meat.  We are very fortunate that we are able to buy organic, hormone free beef on the hoof from a couple of local farmers that we have dealt with for years.  When the cow is ready for slaughtering it is taken to a local abattoir that we have dealt with forever where it is custom cut to our specifications, wrapped and frozen ready for our freezer.
leftover ribeye steak
I'm always thinking ahead to the next meal or two whenever I'm cooking.  In essence I'm planning how to use whatever leftovers there are.  Quite often if I know we will be grilling steaks for dinner I will take out an extra one to be grilled then used over the next couple of days for easy meals like steak wraps.

Once grilled the extra steak along with any additional steak leftovers are cooled then refrigerated.  I find that slicing just before reheating gives the best results too.  In the pictured dish I sliced red onion then sautéed until translucent in olive oil with a tablespoon of butter.  The butter really boosts the flavour!  Then I added sliced portobello mushrooms and continued cooking until the mushroom were cooked through.  I leveled the onion and mushroom mixture the placed the steak slices on top while continuing to cook on low heat.  A couple of stirs an the meat was warmed through for serving.

This particular leftover ribeye steak ended up feeding three adults with healthy appetites while leaving enough of the meat mixture left for sandwiches the following day.  As pictured the prepared steak leftovers can be used for wraps, sandwiches, the meat portion of an entrée, or as a topping for mashed potatoes, rice or noodles.  It can also be cooled then froze as a quick meal start.  The possibilities are endless!

1 comment:

  1. wow, this looks really delicious yet simple enough to do. thanks for all those suggestions and i'll make sure to bookmark this so I can refer back to it easily. more power to you and your blog!


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