
Friday, June 18, 2010

Using Up a Few Left-Overs

Left-overs tend to be the bane for many home cooks simply because eating the same meal twice in a couple of days is perceived to be boring.  The other problem is sometimes the amount of the left-over is not enough to make an actual meal out of.  Honestly what can you make with one left-over burger pattie or a couple of small baked potatoes?  How do you use up the condiment tray from entertaining?  It is all those small bits and pieces of left-overs that can be combined to make an easy meal with just a bit of creativity or thinking outside the box.

left over steak and burger
We entertained on the weekend with the menu consisting of burgers, sausages, hotdogs and all the fixings.  The following night we had grilled steak so Monday night we were looking at bits and pieces of left-overs.  The resulting meal turned out quite nice even though everything used was left-overs.

We used up one burger pattie, 1 piece of steak about half  the size of a burger pattie, 2 small baked potatoes, caramelized onions reheated in a fry pan with a little butter.  The onions were left-over onion slices for the burgers so we just carmalized them then stirred in the potatoes and meat pieces.  We used  dill pickle slices and tomato slices as sides for this simple meal that was quite tasty and filling.  


  1. I do something similar with some of the leftovers. Usually meatloaf, but I have used leftover hamburger or roast beef, too. We tend to eat a lot of rice, so I dice the meat and heat it with some butter and a little soy sauce. Add rice and maybe some corn (that's the way my family likes it best). Though I can definitely see adding onion, too. My husband calls it 'scrapple'. Thanks for the good food idea! :)

  2. Hi Linda :) Scrapple is a good name for it.


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