
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Those Wonderful Street Food Carts

We frequent a lot of events (eg. flea markets, community fairs, food fests, tourist areas) where cart type food is served.  It falls into the same category as street food commonly found in cities.  The smaller carts are just that, about the size of a large outdoor grill on wheels.  The larger carts are a bit more elaborate  motor home style of a kitchen on wheels.  Both are mobile and tend to move around although some are regulars in certain areas.  The carts sell hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage on a bun, hand cut French fries and at the fairs they sell cotton candy, candy apples and candy popcorn along with a wide variety of drinks.  One cart I absolutely love is the Mr. Pickle booth that features some of the best dill pickles you have ever tasted.  In our little corner of beautiful Ontario, Canada they tend to be very much seasonal, opening in late May and closing up in late September. At our vacation home in sunny Florida, the food carts are pretty much year round.

Earls sausage
I am a sucker for food cart fare.  It does not matter that I may not be hungry, I will constantly be munching on something from a food cart vendor while at these types of events. It is a sure fire way of finding a few new, simple yet tasty dishes to add to your culinary repertoire.

We go to the flea market in Weber at least once during each stay at our vacation home.  It is an inexpensive outing and laid back way to spend a morning.  I don't buy a lot because we don't really need anything at our vacation home and I can't bring much back home with me so food it is!  I spotted a food cart called Earl's.  Well, who can resist a food cart called Earl's?  I ordered the fully loaded sausage on a bun for $4.50.  This delicious delight consisted of a smoked Italian sausage, peppers and onions in a bun all wrapped up in food wrap to go.  Part of the food cart experience is the food wrap!  Yes, it is not eco-friendly but I don't see another way of them doing it. This was one very tasty sausage on a bun that would be very easy to duplicate at home!

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