
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Home Canned Plum Sauce

Home canning is one of those activities where you really need to take advantage of what is is season.  While my focus for September was processing tomatoes, I worked in a few other home canned goodies as well.  This broke up the focus on tomatoes giving my mind a bit of a break and my body a change in the routine.  Seriously, this is a good thing.  It isn't uncommon to have more than one type of produce waiting to be processed so being able to switch gears is a benefit.  Plums were on sale so you just know I had to take advantage of that!

Sauces often make a good dish spectacular.  So it is with plum sauce.  It is a must have for oriental finger foods and egg rolls.  Now plum sauce is rather inexpensive in the grocery store at $4.99 for a 475 ml squeeze bottle (1¢ per ml).  Plums were on sale for 97¢ per lb so I paid $4 for the plums used in this recipe with a yield of 9 - 250 ml jars (2.4 L) for a total cost with all ingredients and energy to process at .02¢ per ml.  More importantly the home canned plum sauce has an incredible flavour far superior to store bought,  greatly adding to the economic savings.  This really is a must have product in your pantry!

Home Canned Plum Sauce
recipe modified from:  Ball Blue Book, 2001. Pp. 80.

4 lb red plums
2 c brown sugar
1 c organic granulated sugar
¾ c chopped onion
2 tbsp mustard seed
2 tbsp chopped jalapeƱo peppers
slice of fresh ginger, minced
1 tbsp salt
1 clove garlic, minced
1 c cider vinegar

Wash, pit and chop the plums.  Combine all ingredients except plums in large saucepot.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce the heat and stir in plums.  Cook until thick and syrupy.  Ladle into hot jars.  Adjust two piece metal snap lids (or Tattler reusable lids or glass inserts).  Screw bands on jars (adjust accordingly if not using metal snap lids).  Process 250 ml for 10 minutes in BWB canner at altitudes up to 1,000 feet above sea level.  At higher altitudes refer to altitude adjustment chart on Canning FYI page.  Remove from canner.  Adjust bands if using Tattler or glass inserts.  Allow to cool 24 hours.  Remove bands and test for seal.  Wash and dry bands and jars.  Bands can be placed loosely on the jars for storage if desired.  Label and store.

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