
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring Salad

As spring approaches our meal tend to lighten up a little in anticipation of the new harvest to come. My thoughts are already turning to getting the garden in along with the first of the spring harvest of lettuces, rhubarb and asparagus. Fish just seems to pair so nicely with spring vegetables

Spring Salad

Earlier in March we took advantage of a good deal on cod fillets. Then late last week Russet potatoes were on for $2.99 for 20 lb. Well we just had to buy those! We made pan fried cod and home made French fries with fry dip for dinner a couple of nights ago. Rounding out the meal was a lovely spring salad.

Sweet peas are one of my favourite vegetables to grow but they seldom are preserved rather reserved for fresh eating raw as picked. During the winter months I have to rely on frozen peas for salads. While peas do find their way into a few casseroles and soups my favourite way to use them is raw as a salad topping.

Spring salad - iceberg lettuce, chopped onion, green pepper, tomato pieces, English cucumber slices, sunflower seeds, salad dressing of choice.


  1. You have given me some dinner ideas here. I have never actually thought of using peas raw on a salad, I really should try this.

  2. i am learning all about menu planning based on what's on sale

  3. Hi Paula :) Raw sweet peas are delightful on salads. I hope you do give them a try.

  4. Dave, I'm not big into menu planning preferring instead to get inspiration from my pantry. You're in a bit of a different situation with only being in the US Virgin Islands temporarily. Basing meals with what's on sale makes good sense. I'll bet you will be able to come with some excellent meals using the sales as inspiration :)

  5. that pan fried fish and french fries sound amazing (meaning i must be getting better:)) - i had never thought to put peas on salad! and great for getting stuff on sale!

  6. Chey, I'm sure you will love peas on a salad. They just one of those perfect matches :)


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