
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Strawberry Delight

We had a send off dinner for one of our kids and his fiance other who are getting married in late July. This is a big move as the wedding will take place is Wisconsin where they will reside. I wanted a nice meal while keeping to my plan of using foods from my current stock. We grilled sirloin strip steaks (video, pictures and method) cut from a sirloin strip roast from the freezer. Sides included nibblet corn (freezer), steamed carrots (fresh) and foil wrapped seasoned potatoes (fresh).

Strawberry Delight

Strawberry Delight (my term) is a desert that appears at pot luck dinners or church socials. One reason for its popularity at these types of events is how simple this desert is to put together. It has a nice creamy, mousse-like texture. I think the recipe originally appeared in women's magazines or on the back of the CoolWhip label.

Any flavour of gelatin can be used so that gives a greater flexibility. Garnish with fruit of the same flavour and perhaps a sprig of mint for a nice presentation. Another way to present this is in wine glasses filled half-way then set in a manner so the gelatin solidifies on an angle. Then top with gelatin/CoolWhip mixture, allow to set and garnish with fruit and sprig of mint. Have fun with this!

Strawberry Delight

2 packages JELL-O Light
2 c boiling water
2 c cold water
2 - 3 c CoolWhip
garnish: fruit of your choice, sprig of mint

Prepare JELL-O per package. Allow to set to almost firm. Spoon into a mixing bowl. Spoon in CoolWhip. Whip until nicely blended. Pour into serving bowl and refrigerate until firm. Garnish and serve.


  1. How easy! I just may have to rey this one.

  2. Oh cool! I think I've been looking for this recipe. This time I wrote it down. Nice blog, btw.

  3. Thanks gatekeeper, I'm glad you like my blog. Enjoy the desert.

  4. You're just trying to fatting us all up, gnome. Dang you! :-)

  5. That right there is my dream dessert!

    Miss T

  6. PR, you can make this low cal and low fat by using Jell-O Lite and the low cal cal CoolWhip or use the regular and just eat less. Hey it could happen.

    Miss T, it's a simple, to the point, no muss, no fuss desert :)

  7. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I gave your receipe to my sister and she said that it was really good and easy. I really enjoy your site.


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