
Friday, April 20, 2007


Desserts can be a challenge sometimes because we often look to create something quite complicated. However, simplicity is often the key and so it is with many quick cakes. I call them quick cakes because all you do is mix and pour. Ingredients are normally what you have on hand so whipping up one of these cakes is easy. Toppings tend to be as simple as the cake itself. But don't let that fool you. Simplicity does not mean lack of flavour or eye appeal. Gingerbread is one of my favourite quick cakes.


There is just something comforting and down right homey feeling about smelling gingerbread baking. This recipe is so easy. All you have to do is measure the ingredients, mix together then bake. It could not get much easier than that! I like using a decorative can pan for this cake because just before serving I use a very simple icing sugar glaze over the cake.

source: Betty Crocker's Cookbook, Pp. 180 with modifications by Garden Gnome

2 1/4 c unbleached flour
1/3 c organic sugar
1 c dark molasses
3/4 c hot water
1/2 c shortening
1 egg
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3/4 tsp kosher salt

Pre-heat oven to 325ºF. Grease and flour a square 9x9x2 inch square pan or similar volume decorative baking pan. If using a silicone pan greasing can be omitted. Measure the ingredients into a mixing bowl. Blend on low speed about a half minute until ingredients are mixed. Increase speed to medium then blend for 3 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Pour into the pan. Bake 50 minutes or until the centre tests clean with a toothpick. Serve warm with whipped cream or applesauce.
Serves 8

My Notes: I serve this cake with a simple icing sugar glaze. Mix icing sugar into 3 tbsp milk until the consistency is similar to sour cream. Drizzle over the cake for a nice presentation.


  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Can I ask a question about cup measurements? I don't want any conversions, I was just curious as to whether you actually use a cup, for everything? And do you not worry that your cup might not be the same size as the person's who made the recipe?

    Is there a particular measuring 'cup' used in countries where measurements are done in cups? How can you be sure you're got 3/4 full cup, if it's not a clear cup? Okay, maybe too many questions, but I wondered if you'd have any answers. Many thanks, and you have a cool blog :)

  2. Now that looks absolutely delicious!!!!!!!!

  3. Hi Ec, thanks for you lovely complement!

  4. Hi Rache and thanks for visiting my blog along with you kind comments. I'm using Canadian measurements where one cup equals 8 ounces. If I had my druthers, I would post everthing in metric because that it what I normally convert any recipe to. But if you read my blog, you will see I use recipes as a guide then modify and a lot of readers are more comfortable with non-metric measurements. But for the most part many of the recipes I use have been coverted to Imperial from metric.

    In Canada and the US we can buy standard measureing cups. They generally come as sets and graded as 1 c, 3/4 c and etc. Those are for dry measurements. In Canada you can buy a similar set in metric measurements. For liquid ingredients, there are clear measuring cups and I think for both countries there is both Imperial and metric measurements. These tend to be clear measuring cups calibrated to Imperial on one side and metric on the other.

    So if you are using a cup meant for dry measuring, level it off. If using a cup meant for liquid, squat so you are at eye level and bring it up to where the minicus (lower bevel of liquid) is to the right measurement.


  5. Hi Garden Gnome,
    I don't know how many sites you have; it seems your template is always changing.
    But your quality is consistent; I enjoy them all.


  6. Hi Paros, thankyou for your kind comments. I have 4 blogs. One is for gardening which is what started everythibg. One is for cooking, one is for homemaking and one is my personal whatever blog. But each blog has it's own personal identity and I try to keep it that way. Each one does have a different look and different feel.

  7. Hi Mindy and thanks for visiting. Thank-you for you lovely complement! I'm so glad you are enjoying my blog.


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