
Monday, April 12, 2021

Fresh Baked Bread

There has been such a focus on sourdough bread throughout 2020.  Understandably so given some could not find yeast anywhere then the flour supply started drying up.  We have not had that problem.  I buy yeast in 1 - 2 lb packages.  It stores well as packaged or if you are concerned, in the freezer.

Bread was one of the first things I learned to bake way back when I was knee high to a grasshopper!  Pictured is the very same bread recipe results I learned then.  It is still a family favourite!

Fresh baked bread is a need and in trying times it is a comfort food.  The aroma of bread baking is such a comfort!  Psychologically, this aroma soothes yet tantalizes.  It's incredibly inexpensive and relativity easy to make.  Even at today's prices, a loaf of bread will cost about 30 cents if that unless you are using more expensive flours that may drive the price up to about 40 cents per loaf.  

Now, here's the beauty of making bread.  We've had a very trying 2020 and 2021 really isn't much better.  Working the dough, kneading the dough, punching the dough, shaping the dough and finally seeing the results of what you did is healing.  It reduces stress and that is a very good thing!

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