
Saturday, February 02, 2013

An Easy Dinner - Home Canned Condensed Tomato Soup

The Gnome family continues to battle a very bad strain of cold.  That means we are relying on a lot of healthy, home made comfort foods.  One of those foods of course is soups because you can pack in a lot of nutrition to help heal the body.  At the same time, a lot of the ingredients not only help clear mucous but are just down right comforting.  Home canned condensed tomato soup is the perfect substitute for the store bought condensed soup and it doesn't have BPA, preservatives or anything artificial in it.

home canned condensed tomato soup
I made 30 - 500 ml jars of home canned condensed tomato soup in September 2012.  The problem is and I knew it then that there was no way that would be enough condensed tomato soup to get us through the winter.  So, I have been using it sparsely.  Still, one of the best ways to enjoy this soup is as a soup.

A couple of days ago, I opened two jars of the condensed soup then added about a cup of milk and warmed it up.  More milk could have been added but I like the deeper flavour using less milk.  I garnished the soup with a bit of fresh Parmesan cheese along with plain crackers for my husband and crackers with cream cheese for me.  The entire comfort meal cost under $1 for two people with left-overs.  That is not bad on the frugal side but more importantly it scored big time on the comfort level!


  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Will you be posting the recipe for this soon? I sure hope so! I don't like tomatoes, except for some reason, condensed tomato soup. I don't want to keep buying the commercial soup, for the same reasons you mentioned. We use a lot of it, and would like to make my own.

  2. Hi and thanks for visiting :) If you click on the link in the blog post it will get you to the recipe. There are two home canned tomato soups in the archives. both are excellent. You can find them by going through either the soup or home canning labels.


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