
Friday, September 21, 2012

Home Canned Condensed Tomato Soup

Just because I insist on doing as many home canned products as possible to avoid all the food additives in commercially canned foods, doesn't mean I don't like a few convenience products.  Two commercially canned foods I do buy are condensed tomato soup and condensed cream of mushroom soup.  I set out to create home canned versions for both.  Neither recipe are posted on this blog yet as I am still tweaking but the Garden Tomato Soup is also a good recipe to can if you are looking for a tomato soup recipe.

home canned condensed tomato soup
My home canned condensed tomato soup recipe has come about by running several small batches each season then tweaking from there.  I have tweaked for both flavour and texture.  While this soup can be used much the same was as brand name condensed tomato soup, it has a brighter flavour and it it laden with artificial additives.  It is pressure canned at 10 lb pressure for 25 minutes.

Unfortunately, 30 jars of home canned condensed tomato soup will not meet our needs until the next growing season.  I will be running another large batch of the soup with a couple more tweaks.  Once I get it just right, I will post the recipe.  Until then, I back busy in the kitchen processing tomatoes into all kinds of delicious home canned, tomato based products!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to find your website and especially this post on homemade canned condensed tomato soup. How has it been going for you? Just today I received a pinterest for soup containing 2 cans of condensed tomato soup, and it sounds delicious. But I open my cupboard and look longingly at my row upon row of canned tomatoes, and think "there must be a better way to make this soup" and once again think about making my own homemade condensed tomato soup.

    Please say you've perfected your recipe! :)


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