
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Homemade Spaghetti Meat Sauce

Spaghetti meat sauce was my mother-in-law's specialty dish.  Needless to say I quickly learned to make my husband's favourite dish from home thanks to my mother-in-law generously sharing her tips.  Over the years I have tweaked the basic recipe to the result in the amazing meat sauce that it is today.  It is a long cook sauce made entirely from scratch.  Like all aromatic sauces, this meat sauce is better after the flavours have a chance to meld together.

spaghetti with homemade meat sauce
I have tweaked the recipe so it can be home canned and it does freeze nicely but by far I prefer to make it fresh then freeze or can the leftovers.  The house just smells heavenly when it is cooking!  The only commercial ingredients I use in this meat sauce is a couple of secret seasonings and commercially canned tomato paste.  I use fresh produce, fresh organically grown herbs and home canned tomato products that are layered to maximize the deep, rich flavour.

The meat sauce is perfect served simply over spaghetti, one of our favourite ways to enjoy it.  However, it is the sauce of choice for my homemade lasagne.  Doesn't is look yummy?

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