
Friday, June 10, 2011

Miniature Bananas

We have flown down to our vacation home three times and driven twice.  We have already established a routine when flying.  We like to take an early flight, eating breakfast or brunch at the airport.  When we arrive in Tampa we pick-up our rental car then head towards our vacation home with one stop, the grocery store.  We buy enough groceries to get through the first day keeping in mind the few groceries we were able to store there.  I seriously hate grocery shopping in the huge super centres at the best of times so after flying I more than detest having to stop for groceries!  What makes it bearable is finding a few foodie finds that we can't find at home.  We live in a very small rural area where getting things like okra or even ground chicken can be challenging.

mini bananas
We like shopping for groceries at Publix where our vacation home is but also shop at Walmart and sometimes Sam's Club.  My husband had been in emerg a few hours before we left for Florida.  He was prescribed medications that required an increase in potassium.  Bananas are high in potassium so one of my first stops in the grocery store was produce section.  I spotted these cute mini bananas that were about a third of the size of regular bananas.  They were about as adorable as you could get.  I ended up buying the regular sized bananas though under the circumstances.  Still I think the mini bananas would really appeal to children and I can see them being a nice addition to a fruit platter.  Hmm, I might have to pick some up during our next trip.


  1. Sounds like they'd be great to pack in lunches, too.
    I'll have to keep an eye out for them. Thanks for the heads up!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I would highly advise you to buy them. You won't be disappointed. However, unlike normal bananas, when these are bright yellow they are not ready to eat. You should wait until they have many tiny black spots all over them. When ripe they will probably be the sweetest bananas you have ever tasted. As for lunch bags, you have to be careful. When they are ready to eat the peel is very delicate so it should be protected in the bag. Try them and you may switch to them permanently.


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