
Monday, June 20, 2011

Frugal Kitchens 101 - Yogurt

Frugal Kitchens 101

Yogurt is one of the best foods you can eat.  The problem is most people get tied up in buying the expensive individual, not eco-friendly serving sizes.  Despite the fact that one larger company makes unsubstantiated claims regarding the actual bacteria in their yogurt, yogurt with active bacteria cultures (Lactobacillius acidophilus, Bifidobacillus) is should be part of your daily diet.  Yogurt when bought in individual sizes is expensive.  Larger containers are less expensve per unit price and homemade yogurt is even less expensive and with using re-usable containers homemade yogurt is environmentally friendly.  The best part is homemade yogurt is extremely easy to make.  All you need is fresh milk and starter, about 2 tbsp of yogurt with active bacteria.  That's it!  If you want to sweeten it, us raw honey or homemade preserves.  Do not use sugar or any sweetener containing sugar or artificial sweeteners. 

Why yogurt is good for you:
  • easier to digest than milk and generally well tolerated by those who are lactose intolerant
  • contributes to colon health even reducing the risk for colon cancer
  • improves the bio-activity of other nutrients especially absorption of Vitamin B and calcium
  • helps to heal intestinal infections by re-establishing the good intestinal flora
  • decreases yeast infections
  • a rich source of calcium and protein
  • it can help lower cholesterol
If you choose to buy yogurt rather than make your own, avoid any yogurt that is:
  • pre-sweetened with anything including fruit or artificial sweeteners - Sugar encourages the growth of bacteria whether good or bad but more importantly sugar is the fuel for yeast growth.  Artificial sweeteners have a host of other problems associated with them including being carcinogenic. 
  • contains artificial dyes or flavours - Artificial dyes and flavours can cause allergic reactions.  Some have been implicated in ADD/ADHD as well as being carcinogenic. 
  • labeled as low fat - Low fat yogurts have been sweetened to make them more palatable. 
  • individually packaged - Individually packaged anything including yogurts should be avoided because they are more expensive per unit price as well as being environmentally unfriendly.

    Bon Appétit!

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