
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Carrot Salad

Years ago during our first visit to Las Vegas I discovered carrot salad.  It was a delightful change. The salad was sweet with a slight tang, lovely crunchy texture and amazing flavour.  I've been trying to recreate that salad ever since, finally coming up with a close clone.  I just love easy recipes but even more I love cloning recipes. 

carrot salad
We ate dinner at California's just off of Fremont Street in Las Vegas.   Carrot salad was an offering on the salad bar and I think that is about the only restaurant I've seen it in Las Vegas.   I know for a fact when I was first introduce to this salad at this very same restaurant there were no raisins in it.  It was the shredded carrots and dressing only.  So I set out to recreate the salad at home. 

California's in Las Vegas caters to the Hawaiian crowd.  I was sure there was a hint of pineapple in the salad.  Not a strong, in your face flavour, just a hint.  I don't put raisins in my carrot salad.  I clean then shred the carrots and stir in just enough mayonnaise with a couple of tablespoons of pineapple juice to create a dressing.   I don't add any sugar although some reipes have sugar and raisins added. 


  1. My mother makes delicious carrot salad. In addition to mayonnaise, she adds granulated garlic, salt and pepper to taste to grated carrot. She usually puts it into the fridge for a few hours to allow the flavours to "marry".

  2. I have not tasted a carrot salad with mayonnaise but we have in the Philippines a similar type of salad but with vinegar, sugar, onions and bell peppers. We call it "atsara". It tastes good too.


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