
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Steak and Noodles

We have had our house on the market for the last thirteen months.  The biggest inconvenience to this is keeping the house ready to show in short notice has really cramped my cooking style.  The kitchen can't be a mess not that it ever really is and cooking odours are not always conductive to showing a house well.  We held an open house last weekend so I had popped the indoor grill cartridge into the stove.  I'm not really sure why other than it makes the stove look fancy which really doesn't matter because the stove is not included in the sale.  Following the open house we hosted games night then the next day I eyed up the very chilly weather outdoors while taking a couple of steaks from the freezer.  By dinner it was quite cold with high winds so we decided to grill the steaks indoors.  Oh my gosh, did the house ever smell scrumptious!

steak and noodles
There was a fair amount of leftover steak so Monday I divided it in half with one portion going into the freezer and the remainder for dinner.  I cut the steak into thin strips.  I used one large spanish onion cut into thin slices then cooked that in butter and olive oil until just golden.  Then I stirred in the steak slices.  While the onion mixture finished cooking I cooked broad egg noodles and peas.  The resulting meal was quite delicious, perfect for a lazy and snowy day.  I can't believe we had about two inches of snow on the ground overnight on a later April day!  It wasn't a fancy meal but it was practical.  A bit of beef gravy would have been a nice addition as well but I used the last of that from the freezer a couple of weeks ago.  At any rate, we enjoyed a lovely dinner while pondering the snow on the ground outside thinking we have more than had enough of winter!

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