
Sunday, April 17, 2011

How It's Made Is Changing

My apologies for a late post today.  Back in early January I began the "How It's Made" series of posts to run on each Sunday.  While I like these posts and could easily continue, I have decided to take a different direction.    As you know this is a Canadian blog that does promote Canadian food products whenever possible.  I would like to focus on Canadian farmers and producers with a goal of sharing pictures, videos and perhaps interviews from Canadian farmers and producers each Sunday.  It is only right that as a Canadian I show my support for our local farmers and producers.  I find it absolutely amazing that we seriously could eat only foods grown and produced within a 100 mile radius of out home thanks to the wonderful farmers and food producers in our area.  The tentative name for the new series is "Canadian Made" but that may change.  The first in the new series will be posted on April 24, 2011 which is officially Easter Sunday.  I hope you enjoy the new series :)

1 comment:

  1. That's great! I look forward to your new series, GG. :)


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