
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Canadian Made - The Small Time Farmer

Goodness I guess I need to get busy making a badge or banner for my new series, Canadian Made.  Today's Canadian Made focuses on the small time Canadian farmer.  I grew up in Canadian farmland, surrounded by Canadian farmers and still live surrounded by the same.  I wouldn't have it any other way!  Here in beautiful Ontario, Canada I only have to walk about 500 yards to reach the first farmer's field.  This is small time farming at it's prime.  Many of the farmers here own 1,000 acres or less.  Livestock usually consists of what the farmers use themselves perhaps with a few extra chickens to sell the eggs.  It is their livelihood and despite all the jokes about rich farmers, most aren't.  In fact many of these small time farmers are forced to work off the land just to be able to make ends meet and it is very common for their wives to work off the land.

Winter months are quiet with little to do on the farm besides plan for the up coming growing season, work on the house and out buildings and catch-up.  Usually by now the farmers have taken to the fields, plowing then planting.  It is quite common to look out across the field to see the lights of a tractor working away close to midnight this time of year.  Next comes the fertilizing and irrigation if needed followed by the very, very busy harvest season during which time the farmer can be seen working well into the wee hours of the morning to get the crop off or meet their quota.

The life of a small time farmer is not easy.  True they get to work from home but the expenses are high and the pay is low.  They are technically self-employed meaning no government pension plan, no medical benefits, no dental benefits, no presciption coverage, and no calling in sick just because they need a me day.  The weather dictates how successful their crop will be and getting that quota is the goal because if they don't they likely won't get a contract the following year.  Despite all of the adversity, small time Canadian farmers continue their way of life to bring food to the Canadian table.  And a Canadian tradition continues...