
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Walleye Dinner

A month ago yesterday I injured my leg quite badly while getting into a friend's truck after a fish fry.  We go to several fish fries over the winter months to help support the community and service clubs.  It's a nice way to enjoy a great meal while socializing a bit.  My husband wanted to go to a fish fry last night hosted by a local service club.  The thing is the healing has been a very long, drawn out process with my leg still looking quite ugly as if I have a second knee.  The haematoma measures 4 cm wide and is raised about 2.5 cm with considerable bruising and swelling, painful to walk on.  Mobility is still an issue so I really wasn't too anxious to go to a fish fry or anywhere else for that matter.  My husband thought getting out of the house would be a good idea so after a bit of discussion I agreed.  What the heck!  I tend to have a bit of a rubber arm when food is involved :)

walleye dinner
We, along with another couple, a friend and his young daughter went to the weekly Friday night dinner hosted by the Moose Lodge.  They have a different dinner each Friday night throughout the month with one of them being some type of fish.  After dinner there is music with karaoke and socializing for those who want to make an evening of it.

The dinner was fried walleye with wild rice, home style fried potato wedges, corn bread and cole slaw.  The fish was absolutely delightful, perfectly cooked.  The wild rice side consisted of wild rice, red pepper, mushroom, onions and bacon pieces.  It was good but both my friend and I thought it was missing a base note.  I can't quite put my finger on it but will be experimenting this weekend with wild rice.  With the ingredients it should have been quite tasty so this should be a rather fun experiment.  I really liked the home style fried potato wedges.  These are easy to make at home by cutting a potato into quarters or sixths then deep frying the wedges.  The corn muffins were a really nice change from the standard dinner rolls offered at these types of events.

1 comment:

  1. I love fried walleye.
    There was a restaurant in the town where I grew up, I always used to go there to eat when I was in town, just to have their walleye.

    But when I went to visit my mom last time, they had changed the way they fried it and it, quite frankly, wasn't as good.

    Oh well. That rice sounds like it should have been fantastic! I'll look forward to seeing how you add to it. :)


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