
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Traditional Greek Salad

I spent some quality time with my doctor yesterday which translated into a reason to treat myself.  The good news is I'm off the crutches but still not very mobile.  She's keeping a close eye on the progress and while I won't be doing a jig anytime soon, I am happy to be able to hobble around on my own two feet.  I made a pit stop at Bulk Barn then decided to stop to have dinner with the guys before heading home.

traditional greek salad
I ordered a traditional Greek salad for dinner.  A Greek  salad consists of tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, Kalamata olives, feta cheese and romaine lettuce with a Mediterranean feta dressing.  This tasty salad is quite easy to make at home.  In addition to the standard salad ingredients you will need pitted Kalamata olives or you can use pitted black olives if desired.  You will also need drained, crumbled feta cheese as a topping and blended into the simple dressing.  The dressing consists of 1 part vinegar, 3 parts extra virgin olive oil and about 1 tbsp feta cheese per total cup.  Blend this well then pour over the salad before topping with the crumbled feta cheese.  Serve with a crusty dinner roll on the side.

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