
Tuesday, February 01, 2011


One thing I've learned over the decades of entertaining is to listen to our guests especially the little chit chat that goes on during entertaining.  A few years ago I started hearing little tid bits about vegetarian dishes.  At one time I think all of our guests were omnivores but over time some have for whatever reason given up meat entirely or stopped eating one type of meat.  Others have developed a food insensitivity.  As an hostess in tuned to the needs of her guests I try to offer a variety of dishes that all can enjoy.

Most of my dip recipes are mayonnaise and sour cream or yogurt based.  I wanted a vegetarian dip to add to my offerings for those who want a dip other than dairy based.  Hummus is a vegetarian type dip made from chickpeas that satisfies what I was looking for.  It is a versatile dip that can be used with breads, crackers and raw vegetables as well as a spread on sandwiches. 

I served the hummus with whole wheat sandwich thins that had been cut into 1 - inch wide strips.  This is a new style of sandwich bread that is quite similar to Greek style pita bread only oblong in shape.  The hummus went over well.  Even the grandkids were eating it!

By Garden Gnome

2 garlic cloves, minced and then mashed
16 oz cooked chickpeas
⅓ c tahini
1 tbsp  freshly squeezed lemon juice
¼ c water
1/8 c olive oil
pinch of sea salt
toasted pine nuts and parsley (optional for garnish)

Combine all ingredients in food processor.  Process until smooth   Smooth into dipping bowl.  Garnish if desired. Serve with pita bread or raw vegetables.


  1. MMMMMM! Hummus. The hubby and I love it and I make it fairly regularly, tho I use my homemade peanut butter in place of tahini and then add some toasted sesame oil.

  2. Hi Jean :) Oh I like your idea of using homemade peanut butter. That would save me finding and keeping tahini on hand.

  3. Wow! My hubby and I love hummus! But we are only able to see and eat it Mediterranean restaurants here in the Philippines. I never cared to know how it can be made at home. YOU are the first one I know of who has done the recipe...and I'm excited because it means I, too, can now make this at home! And whenever I feel like having hummus, I can make one! No need to eat out to satisfy my craving. Thank you! Good thing too that I read comments...or I wouldn't have known about substituting the tahini with peanut butter (I don't know where to get tahini & whether or not it's available here). Again, thank you!!!

  4. Hi Mama Mia :) This is such an easy dip to make and with few ingredients. Using peanut butter will make it even easier to make. I hope you enjoy the hummus!


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