
Sunday, February 27, 2011

How It's Made - Lettuce in January

The grocery stores are filled with an abundance of fresh produce year round.  A good portion of that produce is not locally grown but rather shipped in from other locations like Yuma, Arizona.  The reason being that in northern areas with short growing seasons and cold winters it is virtually impossible to grow certain fruits and vegetables.  Large commercial greenhouse operations have been quite popular in Southern Ontario with their numbers growing each year but even those are not enough to meet the demands of consumers.  The average food travels 1,500 miles from farmer to your table spanning five or more days in transit.  Here is a good video showing how lettuce gets to the grocery store during those cold winter months.

Bon Appétit!

Garden Gnome

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Since i am a transplanted Canadian living in Yuma Arizona ( since 84) I had to laugh when I saw your lettuce post. On another note i am desperate for some peameal bacon sooo will try making my own from your recipe.


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