
Sunday, February 20, 2011

How It's Made - Large Scale Chicken Farms

Chickens have been on sale here since mid-January.  Like many I have taken advantage of the sales even though I buy a good portion of chicken from a local organic farmer.  Many folk don't realize how large scale commercial chicken farms operate.  There has been a lot of controversy over how chickens are treated in these facilities.  As this video notes the chickens are bred for certain genetic traits such a large breasts because boneless, skinless chicken breasts have become very popular.  I did find it interesting that the feed these chickens eat has been reduced by almost a quarter!  One could argue that the chickens are malnourished and the meat nutrient deficient.  It is quite apparent when comparing the living conditions of these chickens that overcrowding is an issue as well especially when compared to free range chickens.  They do however, strive to combat the spread of pathogens that could spell disaster for the entire chicken farm.   This video explains how a commercial chicken farm operates.  Most large scale chicken growers raise using this method although there may be very slight variations.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about that. It was meant more to inform as many simply don't realize where their food is coming from.


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