
Sunday, February 06, 2011

How It's Made - Frozen Fish Sticks

Fish is a delicate meat that quickly spoils after being caught.  For that reason hobby anglers and commercial fisheries know the sooner the fish is cleaned and frozen for longer term storage the better.  Commercial fishermen clean the fish aboard the ship then it is rapidly frozen.   Depending on the variety it may be minced and rapidly frozen into large blocks that will later be cut at the processing plant into logs and finally sticks.  Other fish is rapidly frozen as fillets on the fishing vessel. 

Frozen fish sticks are the fish of choice for many families.  They come conveniently packaged,  breaded and ready to pop into the microwave  or oven for a quick meal.  Most kids like fish sticks so moms tend to buy them.  Have you ever wondered how fish sticks were made?  Here's a video that shows the process.  Enjoy!

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