
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What I Did With 16 Chicken Legs Backs Attached

Chicken used to be relatively inexpensive here but over the past several years the price has crept up there.  One of the local grocery stores had their $1 sale on so I decided to take advantage of the chicken that was on sale.  The chicken pieces were legs with back attached.  As little as a year ago these would go on sale for 69¢ per pound but now the sale price is $1 per pound.

packages of chicken
My husband picked up four packages of the chicken.  Usually this store has the chicken packaged in plastic bags but now they are on foam trays with plastic wrap.  I'm not fond of this type of packaging but that is all that was available.  I ended up with 16 legs back attached at a total weight of 5.932 kg (13.07 lb) and cost $2.20 per kg ($1 per lb), $13.05 total cost.  This would break down into 8 meals for us at a cost of $1.63 or about 82¢ per serving for the chicken which is not a bad price given the costs of other meats.  However, I had plans to stretch the chicken out a bit further than 8 meals.  Chicken stock was on the adgenda since I was completely out here although two jars are safely tucked away at our vaction home. 

vacuum sealed chicken for freezer
The first thing I did was vacuum seal eight of the chicken legs into meal sized portions.  That was enough for four packages for the freezer.  As a rule with a sale like this I tend to put up half then use the other half fresh and/or make other products for the pantry.  Of the remaining eight legs I used two for garlic pepper chicken with TPC Sesame Garlic Spaghetti for dinner that night.  Three of the chicken legs went into the stock pot for stock.  Realizing that our Christmas celebration was on the up coming Saturday meaning I would have a turkey left-overs and turkey stock to deal with, I put the remaining three pieces of chicken into the freezer as well.

chicken stock
I allowed the chicken legs to cook through then removed them from the stock and deboned them.  The bones and skin went back into the stock pot for a long, low simmer.  I seasoned the meat then used it for two meals of wraps and chicken tacos.

I ended up with 14 - 500 ml jars of chicken stock which is about my average yield when making stock.  As you can see I used Tattler reusable lids on seven of the jars.  The more I use these lids the better I like them!  For those wondering if I had to buy the chicken stock the equivalent would come in at approximately $20.86 ($1.49 each).  The cost of the homemade stock came in at $2.86 including the lids and electricity for both cooking and processing the stock.  It is easy to see where making homemade stock is very cost effective.  The stock can can be home canned or frozen.  I prefer canning mine for the convenience of ready to use.


  1. What pressure and for what length of time for the chicken broth? . . .I am always freezing it. It takes up space but then have to thaw to get to use. . . this would be great.
    Thanks. . I just love your site!

  2. Canning is my next thing to learn, I only have so much room in the deep freeze for stock.

    I'm thinking chicken has gotten expensive for the same reason beef has gotten expensive, all the corn and such for feed is going to ethanol production! Another good reason to start searching out local sources of meat.

  3. Hi Judith :) I'm glad you are enjoying my blog. Meat stocks are pressure canned at 10 lb pressure for 20 minutes at altitudes up to 1,000 feet below sea level. If you are above that refer to the altitude adjustment chart on the canning information page.

  4. Hi Jean :) Canning really is the way to go especially with the rising costs of electricity. Most of our meat, chickens, eggs and fish are all local with the exception of sales that are too good to pass up. Local farmers in general have better prices and quality.


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