
Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Cookbooks

cookbooks by Cece Neef Brune
Five Steps to Chocolate Rehab & Chocolate Crimes
by Cece Neef Brune
January 28. 2011

A couple of weeks ago I was pleasantly surprised to see a message from Cece Neef Brune graciously offering to send me two of her cookbooks.  I of course accepted her very generous offer!  Cece also authors the blog Texas Jot.  Cece's cookbooks are all about chocolate.  Yesterday the books arrived along with a chocolate bar and wonderful hand written note.  Thanks so much Cece! 

Cece's cookbooks benefit the Aphasia Centre in Midland, Texas.  Aphasia is an acquired language disorder that disables self expression.  It is one the most devastating effects of a stroke or head injury that can isolate a person because when you can't speak others stop talking to you.  They host Chocolate Decadence in February as a fundraiser and to raise awareness of aphasia.  If you are in the area or plan to be in Midland, Texas on February 10, 2011 please support this worthwhile delicious event.

Cece never asked me for a review of her books but I will be writing one for each of them as I go through some of the recipes.  I'm looking forward to exploring through her recipes.  Please take a few minutes to visit Cece's blog and leave a message that Garden Gnome sent you. Watch for her recipes as I test them along with a review of each book in the very near future.

1 comment:

  1. Chocoholics everywhere will be thrilled with Cece Brune's decadent dessert recipes. Now you can enjoy chocolate with a clean conscience while helping people with aphasia. What a deal.


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