
Sunday, January 09, 2011

How its Made - Mozzarella Cheese

Cheese making is quite an interesting process.  We've watched cheeses being made at Pine River Cheese & Butter Co-op in Riply, Ontario.  Cheese making has continued to be an artisan activity in many rural areas with cheeses being made from goat and cow's milk.  Buffalo milk is also used in cheese making.  Cheese making supplies are available through some specialty stores, catelogue order and various online sites.  In general the only supplies you need are rennet, cheese cloth, cheese molds and a cheese press.  Some cheeses are coated in wax for storage so if making those you will need the wax as well.  Some cheeses like cottage cheese, mozzarella, yogurt and ricotta can easily be made at home with minimal cheese making supplies.  Hard cheeses can also be easily made at home but you will need a cheese press.

Commercial cheese operations are quite impressive.  In the following video 30,000 L of fresh milk was turned into 1,400 - 2.5 kg blocks of mozzarella cheese.  Rennet causes the milk to curdle, separating into milk solids that will become cheese curds (cheese blocks once pressed) and lactoserum (whey).  The whey is used as a milk by-product in other foods.  Whey from making cheese at home can be frozen for later use if desired.  It can be added to soups, stews, breads and anywhere else you would use milk.  Brining the cheese blocks serves to salt the cheese while curing.  This is not a part of all cheese making, only certain cheese.  Enjoy the video!

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