
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Perch and Pickerel Fish Fry

I have mentioned in previous posts of some of the local food events we attend.  These are put on by local service organizations, manned by volunteers and are some of the best food events you can find.  We recently attended a local all you can eat perch and pickerel fish fry.  As always the organization did an outstanding job!

fish fry dinner
You just cannot beat the all-you-can-eat homestyle cooking food events these organizations are capable of putting on.  The perch and pickerel at this event is lightly coated then pan or deep fried so you have your choice of fish and cooking method.  It is served buffet style with a variety of sides like creamy coleslaw, whole kernel corn, baked beans and French fried potatoes.  Crudites, pickles, cheese slices and dinner rolls are also available.  When it comes to an all-you-can-eat meal, very few places would ever lose money on me given that one plate is usually too much.  However, my husband has been known to make up for my appetite deficits!

cleaned pickerel
The sad thing about a lot of these small, hometown food events is they really are being affected by the economic downturn.  Attendance is down and yet the organizers have to buy on previous attendance because running out of food for something like this is not a good idea.  After the raffle draw the organizers announced they had an abundance of raw both perch and pickerel that they would sell for 20 pieces for $10.  Oh gosh, like I really needed that temptation! 

I bought 2 bags (40 pieces) of pickerel then realized they had been previously frozen.  The ladies said refreezing would not be a problem but quite frankly in terms of food safety it is a problem.  So we called a couple of our kids and invited them to a homemade fish fry.  Pictured is one bag of the pickerel ready for coating.  Note how nice and meaty the fish is?  Pickerel is one of our favourite local fish.

coated pickerel pay frying
My husband loves pan frying fish.  Now this is a good thing and a bad thing.  The good thing is the fish is always excellent.  The bad thing is the mess!  Pictured is the first batch of pickerel frying in the new silicone coated wok.  I have to tell you I am really liking that silicone coating over the standard non-stick coating.

Fish coatings are always and issue in our house.  We eat a lot of fish!  Aside of homemade fish coating, my husband is always bringing home a fish coating to try.  The premise is I will clone the coating if we like it.  The fish coating on this batch of pickerel was Zanaran's southern coating.  The coating went over well so I will certainly be cloning this coating mis.  Doesn't it look yummy?

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