
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Another Beef Noodle Bowl

A couple of weeks ago I posted about a beef noodle bowl I had made.  Noodle bowls quickly became a family favourite.  I think one reason for their success is the versatility.  This dish is just such an easy, low cost, and very quick to prepare meal that is about as frugal as it can get.  At the same time noodle bowls are very much comfort food. Stuffed full of long, stringy noodles they are sure to please - not quite a soup, not quite a pasta dish with sauce but an entirely different dish somewhat in between.

another beef noodle bowl
My husband arrived home safe and sound from hunt camp.  While he had a wonderful time with the guys they were unfortunately unsuccessful this year.  Not to worry though as we have venison on its way from one of our good friends.  I knew they would be spending most of the day traveling home but had no ETA so did not plan on any type of dinner.  This time of year it is so easy to run into weather that can delay travels.  I also didn't know if they would be making pit stops for food along the way so I decided to play it by ear.  [Oh I could have texted or called him but quite frankly my texting thumb was sore and I figured if there were any delays he would let me know.]

The thing about hunt camp is the guys take a lot of food with them and they bring a lot of food back.  Don't ask me how it happens it just does and I have to figure out how to use the foods brought back up.   Once he was home and we had the coolers unloaded I went about making a beef noodle bowl for dinner.  I used the remaining beef broth and a half cup of frozen vegetable mix, a half cup of frozen niblet corn, a half cup of cooked beef,  then topped the noodle bowl with chopped fresh tomatoes and onions.    My husband loved it!

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