
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Slow Cooker Pork Roast

We recently did our annual turkey runs taking advantage of the turkey sale prices during the week before the American Thanksgiving.  The deal we found involved buying $20 additional purchase per turkey and we bought 4 turkeys so making that $80 extra squeak was my primary goal.  I found a lovely 5 lb pork loin for $7 so that went into the cart.  I decided to divide the pork loin with half to be cured for pea meal bacon and the other half for a roast cooked in the slow cooker.

slow cooker pork roast
I decided to cook the pork loin in the same manner I would if cooking in the oven or countertop roaster so I could compare the result when cooked in the slow cooker.  I placed the pork loin in the slow cooker then covered with Diana Sauce and a few slices of onions.  I cooked the pork loin piece using the probe setting set to 71ºC (160ºF).  I served the pork loin slices with steamed carrots, calrose rice and baked beans.

The pork loin was cooked to perfection, juicy and tender.  It had a lovely flavour from the Diana Sauce but the sauce did not thicken as it does using other cooking methods.  That is one thing I am quickly learning about cooking in a slow cooker.  Liquids don't evapourate as they do in other cooking methods so if I want a thicker sauce I need to use a thickener.  There's nothing wrong with a thinner sauce though as I quite often make a thin gravy even when roasting meats.  Other than that the pork loin was very good!  

1 comment:

  1. Looks really good.
    Again, it makes me think I need a slow cooker, and not a crock pot as I am used to. ;)


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