
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Slow Cooker Chicken with Rice

I'm on a new mission to find a few great slow cooker meals other than stew or chili.  Those two dishes have been my standard slow cooker meals.  Other than than that despite having 3 slow cookers they are only used for entertaining (keeping foods warm) and bulk cooking.  With the purchase of my new slow cooker I am looking to expand my slow cooker repertoire of recipes.  I would hazard a guess that like many of the 'recipes' I use those used for the slow cooker will be a toss that in type of recipe rather than a rigid no deviation recipe.

slow cooker chicken with rice
Ages ago when you bough a new small appliance it came with a nice manual and recipe book.  That is no longer!  The new slow cooker came with a flimsy basic how-to guide, probe cooking time for larger cuts of meat and very basic tips for slow cooking.  Obviously I was on my own.

I cooked a chicken dish for the second using chicken legs with the backs attached.  One of my pet peeves with with slow cooked meals is the lack of browning so I browned the chicken legs before putting in the slow cooker.  Then I poured in about 625 ml of home canned plain spaghetti sauce.  I set the slow cooker to cook for 4.5 hours then served the chicken on a bed of long grain white rice topped with sauce and fresh grated Parmesan cheese. 

The chicken was nice and tender yet very flavourful.  The next step is learning to cook the rice right in the slow cooker eliminating the use of the rice cooker.  Why run two small appliances if you can get away with running one?  I'm branching out here with a bit of experimenting so watch for some of the slow cooker recipes I come up with.


  1. This sounds like a great recipe! Definitely a change from the ordinary slow cooker meals! if you figure out how to get that rice cooked in there, I'd love for you to share!

  2. Thanks Peggy :) I will definitely be posting about it if I can get the rice to cook nicely in the slow cooker.


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