
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Spinach Pasta with Blush Sauce

In keeping with October being National Pasta Month I've been doing a bit of experimenting with pastas.  Pasta comes in such a wide range of shapes and sizes so there is always a perfect pasta for any meal.  While most pasta is wheat based, rice based pasta is available as well as low-carb pasta.  Pasta is also available in whole wheat, spinach or tomato as well as organic.   It's quick and easy to make yet always pleasing.  The most popular way to serve pasta is with some type of saucee.  Sauces can range from tomato based to cream based to butter or oil based and everything in between. 

spinach pasta with blush sauce
I found an organic spinach spaghetti at the bulk food store during one of my travels.  Spinach ads both nutrients and colour to the pasta.  I specifically needed a green pasta for a cute kid's dish I wanted to try without having to resort using food dye.   I used some of the pasta for dinner a couple of nights ago.  It definitely is green when cooked but surprisingly there isn't much of a spinach taste.  I did notice it took a little longer to cook than regular spaghetti.

I served the pasta with a  blush sauce made using a home canned plain Italian pasta sauce.  A dash of fresh ground pepper and fresh grated Parmesan cheese.  According to my husband it looked a bit odd but the flavour was really quite good.  Bread and a side salad rounded out the meal.

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