
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Last of the 2010 Brandywine Tomatoes

We eat tomatoes on almost a daily basis in one form or another.  Not only do I grow a lot of tomatoes I also have access to free tomatoes.  The end of the tomato growing season is always bittersweet.  I pick as many tomatoes daily once the threat of frost is near.  As the ADFF approaches I strip the garden of any green tomatoes as well.  These are left to ripen indoors.  With any luck we have garden tomatoes to eat into December. 

brandywine tomatoes
There were only a couple semi-green Brandywine tomatoes left.  We were on vacation the last couple of weeks of September and first week of October so I told family and friends to help themselves to any ripe tomatoes.  These are a lovely producing, slicing heirloom tomato perfect for tomato sandwiches.  They have a pinkish tone to them when ripe.  The flavour is quite delicious so I certainly was happy to see them. 

Just look at those gorgeous tomato slices!  Aren't they wonderful looking?  I think they are quite lovely but then I'm a bit partial.  My mouth was watering in anticipation just cutting the slices.

bacon lettuce tomato sandwiches
One of the things we missed the most when we lived in Edmonton was decent BLTs.  BLTs are one of our favourite sandwiches!  The only tomatoes available were anemic, hard balls that resembled tomatoes with all the flavour of cardboard.  I also noticed the tomatoes where our vacation home is in the sunny south are about a tasty as those in Edmonton!  Once we run out of home grown tomatoes we can get hot house tomatoes in the grocery stores here in Ontario but they lack the flavour of a good homegrown tomato.  Sadly we will not eat another great BLT (pictured) like we had mid-October this year until the next growing season starts producing.  We can however dream of this wonderful sandwich over the cold winter months.

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