
Friday, September 03, 2010

Second Annual He Said/Shed Said Contest Summary

Earlier this month I announced the Second Annual He Said/She Said Contest. The focus of this year's contest was Company's Coming Heart-Friendly Cooking by Jean ParĂ©, one of my favourite cookbook authors. Originally the contest was designed to have 4 recipes from this cookbook each for a total of 8 recipes made during the month of August. As luck would have it or simply bad timing life managed to get in the way so we ended up with 3 recipes each resulting in a total of 6 recipes. Of the 6 recipes 4 were definite keepers.  Don't worry as there are still a lot of great recipes in this book that we will be trying and I will be blogging about them as well.  Click on any of the pictures to take you to the recipe.  It would be great to hear the feedback as to which recipe you liked the most. 

crunchy vegetable macaroni
poached sole rolls

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