
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Large Marge

I have to say we love our burgers but not the burgers most people thing of when you say burger.  The burger we go for are anything but fast food burgers.  The ones we enjoy tend to have a bit of a history and story behind them.  They are always hand made from scratch as well.

large marg burger
A favourite southwestern Ontario drive-in restaurant that has been in business longer than we've been married [our kids are grown and we have grandkids] makes a specialty burger called the Large Marge.  They have a whole story behind the Large Marge and pictures of everyone who has ever eaten a Large Marge on their wall except for my husband who can eat a Large Marge but we always get take-out so they have never taken his picture.  The Large Marge is a good 6 - inch diameter burger with 2 handmade beef patties (1 lb), lettuce, tomato, pickles, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard and onion rings on a sesame seed bun.  Yes, onion rings!  It is an amazing burger to say the least.  This is a burger that you could duplicate at home but you would have to make the buns as well.  The heart of this burger is the handmade beef patties but the crowning glory is the onion rings.


  1. You're not kidding Mom, that's a Loootttta meat.
    visiting from cmf ads. cheers

  2. aaarrgh! wish i can get my hands on those large marge burgers! but i live so far away :(

    will ask my cousin who is now based there to try one & let me know of her experience. that's how i will get by my craving, for now...vicariously!!


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