
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Grilled Garlic Pepper Pork Chops with Red Beans and Rice

Two more of our friends arrived a couple of days ago.  My husband want to play with out fancy new grill again and after a long travel day for them I decided a homemade meal was in order.  We bought a large pork loin (about 10 lb) for $19 on our first grocery shopping trip so I cut it into thirds.  One third is in the fridge curing for peameal bacon later in the week.  I'm sure everyone will appreciate a taste of home!  One third went into the refrigerator for me to decide what to do with and the other third was turned into boneless garlic pepper pork chops.

seasoned pork loin
It was rather interesting as I didn't have an actual menu plan for the dinner.  I just started pairing things together knowing I wanted to use up part of the pork loin.  I rolled a pork loin piece in garlic pepper to create a nice coating then set in the refrigerator until ready to be cut for grilling.  I cut the seasoned pork loin into 1 - inch chops for grilling as pictured.  The chops were nicely flavoured, tender and juicy.

Grilled Garlic Pepper Pork Chops

about 3 lb pork loin
about ½ c garlic pepper

Place the pork loin onto a cutting board.  Sprinkle one half of the garlic pepper over the pork loin and press in a bit.  Turn the pork loin over and repeat.  Flip the pork loin a couple of times to be sure all sides are well covered with the seasoning.  Place the pork loin into a zipper style bag or large container.  Refrigerate until ready to grill.  Remove from refrigerator.  Slice into 1 - inch thick chops.  Grill on direct heat on medium until marked with nicely defined grill marks.  Turn and repeat.

garlic pepper pork chops with red beans and rice
I mentioned earlier this week that we stopped at a Popeye's for chicken.  One of the sides we ordered was red beans and rice.  Well now, we love just about any bean out there and we love rice so it made a lot of sense to try this Louisiana specialty dish that is served both in restaurants and at home.  I love finding a dish like this that are rather easy to duplicate at home!

Traditionally red beans and rice is a side dish served on Monday to help use up pork from Sunday's dinner.  I cheated on this recipe using a can of cooked small red beans but sure shooting I am taking a lot of dried small red beans home to can up.  I honestly was flying by the seat of my pants while creating this side as well, tasting as I added ingredients to get the taste I wanted.  The beauty of this simple recipe is it very easy to tweak as far as seasonings and extras.  Popeye's version was a bit spicier but didn't have the extra vegetables.  I think the extra vegetables compliment this dish nicely.  I really like how it came out!

Red Beans and Rice

1 - 15 oz can small red beans (500 ml/16 oz home canned)
¼ small green pepper
1 small stock celery
 ¼ small onion
1 bay leaf
½ tsp garlic pepper
½ tsp thyme
¼ tsp cayenne pepper

Chop the pepper, celery fine.  Divide in half reserving the remainder for garnishing.  Pour the beans into a small saucepan.  Stir in the vegetables.  Add bay leaf and seasonings.  Bring to a low boil, cover and remove from heat.  Let sit until cooled then refrigerate to let the flavours meld.  Before serving bring back to a low boil.  Pour into serving bowl for spooning over rice.  Garnish with remaining uncooked vegetables if desired.

The only tried and true method I use for cooking rice is a rice maker.  The only thing I insist on is to always use another liquid with flavour if at all possible

Place the rice in a serving bowl, the beans in another serving bowl and the remaining uncooked vegetables in a third serving bowl.  Assemble directly on the plate as desired.

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