
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Basic Refrigerator Cookies

Refrigerator cookies have become popular in the grocery stores because all you have to do is open the package, slice the dough and bake for yummy, hot cookies.  The problems with the store bought refrigerator cookie dough aside of the price is the packaging and preservatives.  Refrigerator cookie dough takes about 5 minutes to make.  Once made keep two or three rolls of the dough in the refrigerator for homemade convenience.

steps for making refrigerator cookies
Awhile back I was asked if I had any refrigerator cookie recipes.  Well as life goes I forgot to post about refrigerator cookies.  Here is a basic refrigerator cookie recipe that can be modified to make a few other cookies.  I will post those modifications as I make them various cookies using the basic refrigerator cookie recipe.

Refrigerator cookies are very easy to make.  Mix the dough (1).  The dough will be soft and sticky.  Scrape the dough onto wax paper (2) and form into a log shape.  Wrap the wax paper around the dough log and twist the ends to seal (3).  Refrigerate the dough for several hours.  Remove from refrigerator and slice for baking (4). 

refrigerator cookies
The ingredients for this batch of basic refrigerator cookies cost about $1.20 in comparison to store bought refrigerator dough that costs about $2.49.  The homemade version makes 3 dozen large cookies or 90 - 1" diameter cookies whereas the store bought dough makes 2 dozen medium sized.  The homemade version can be frozen as well.  Within a short span of about 15 minutes you could easily make several rolls to enjoy hot cookies fresh from the oven any time you want them. 

These cookies have a wonderful, sugary vanilla flavour.  They are soft in the middle with just a bit of crunch on the edges.  The dough does spread considerably when baking so next time I will make the log a bit smaller in diameter.

Basic Refrigerator Cookies
source: Kate Aitken's Canadian Cook Book, 1965. Pp. 123

⅔ c softened butter
1 c granulated sugar
1 egg, well beaten
1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
1¾ c unbleached flour
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp sea salt

Cream the butter and sugar together in bowl of stand mixer.  Add egg and blend until creamy.  Mix in vanilla.  In a separate bowl mix flour, baking soda and salt together.  Turn mixer on and slowly mix in dry ingredients to the butter mixture.  Scrap the dough onto waxed paper.  The dough will be soft and sticky.  Form into a log.  Wrap with the waxed paper securing the ends.  Place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.  Slice the chilled log to form cookies.  Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet at 375ºF until firm an golden brown.


  1. Your cookies make me hungry. ;)

    I guess you could slice any thickness, or is there a thickness that is normally preferred?

    Thank you again. :)

  2. You're welcome and LOL :) You really can slice these cookies any thickness you want. The thinner they are the crisper they will be. I like about 1/4 - inch thick so the centre stays a bit soft.


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