
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Maple Blueberry Conserves

When it comes to canning there are a variety of terms to describe certain products.  I have talked about many of them of this blog but one I haven't talked a lot about.  A conserve is a jam garnished with nuts and sometimes dried fruits.  Their flavour tends to involve warm spices.  A conserve can be used as a spread, topping, sauce or even a garnish.

maple blueberry conserves
Blueberries were on sale this week at $3.44 for 2 lb saving me a trip to the U-pick.  I used half of the package to make maple blueberry conserves.  Now you just can't go wrong pairing maple syrup with blueberries.  I made 5 - 125 ml (4 oz) jars of the conserves.  Two of the jars had the new Tattler reusable lids while three of the jars had the new Bernardin silver metal lids.  The silver metal lids have been getting bad reviews as far as seal failures but that has not been my experience.

Maple Blueberry Conserves
modified from: Topp, E., and Howard, M., Small-Batch Preserving, 2001, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Pp.99.

2 c crushed fresh blueberries
½ c water
¼ c 100% pure maple syrup
1 tbsp organic, preservative free lemon juice*
1 c organic sugar
½ c raisins
¼ c chopped walnuts
½ tsp ground allspice
½ tsp ground ginger

Rinse the blueberries then place in a medium stainless steel saucepan.  Add water, maple syrup and lemon juice.  Bring to a boil over high heat.  Reduce the heat and boil gently for 5 minutes or until fruit is tender.  Stir in sugar and raisins.  Return to a low boil and boil gently, uncovered until mixture forms a light get (about 15 minutes).  Remove from heat.  Stir in the walnuts, allspice and ginger.  Pour into jars leaving ¼- inch headspace.  Wipe the rim.  Apply lid of choice (metal Snap, Tattler reusable).  Secure lids with ring.   Process in BWB for 10 minutes.  Remove from canner.  Allow to cool 24 hours then test seal and store.

Yield: 5 - 125 ml jars

*Some commercial lemon juices have sodium benzoate that breaks down under heat and acidic conditions to benzene, a known carcinogen.  Avoid using any lemon juice with this preservative for canning.


  1. That looks so good! I have been reading to prepare for my own canning and I never knew there were so many different types of jam/jelly/concerves... I didn't know that chutney was considered a jam. I am looking forward to making my own because we can't even buy chutney where I live. I still have not canned yet. I was getting ready to and we wound up getting a major plumbing problem that took most of the day to fix. My hubby is out of town so I had to call a plumber because I couldn't fix it myself. I am hoping to can today. I dreamed of peach jam and salsa last night.

  2. I love blueberries. :)
    Thanks for explaining what chutney is, too. I did wonder and now I know. :)

  3. Hi Cassandrasmom :) I had chutney on my mind when I was writing the post so typed chutney when I should have typed conserve. Sorry about that. I have corrected the typos. A conserve is a jam with nuts and sometimes dried fruits. A chutney is similar to a salsa but with a rich, smooth, mellow, sweet-sour flavour ranging in texture from smooth to chunky and in spiciness from mild to hot.

    Sorry to hear about your plumbing problem. I know how disruptive they can be. Hopefully it is fixed quickly :)

  4. Hi Linda :) I made a couple of typos by typing chutney because it was on my mind when I should have typed conserve. That will teach me not to be thinking ahead while typing LOL!

  5. Hehe. Okay. Thanks for the correction and explanations. :)


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