
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

He Said - Poached Sole Rolls

My husband's entry for the Second Annual He Said/She Said Contest from Jean Paré's Company's Coming Heart-Friendly Cooking is poached sole rolls (Pp. 94).  Sole is an ocean flatfish that has a mild, delicate flavour yet flaky flaky texture.  Sole fillets are very thin.  They can be  quickly pan-fried or pan sauteed, baked or poached.  The fillets are done when  you can flake the thick end with a fork.

seared shrimp
Pan seared shrimp were the perfect appetizer for the meal adding a second layer of flavour.  We used frozen raw shell on 16/20 count per lb shrimp for both dishes. 

Pan Seared Shrimp

Thaw shrimp in cold water.  Peel and de-vein shrimp.  Melt about ¼ c of butter in skillet on medium high.  Add shrimp.  Sear shrimp to just browning.  Use a slotted spoon to remove the shrimp from the skillet.

poached sole rolls
Despite the notation in the recipe that this would be a wonderful dish for a special occasion, and it would be, the dish is easy enough to make that it can be enjoyed anytime.  My husband paired the poached sole rolls with steamed new potatoes, steamed asparagus spears and garnished with a few of the pan seared shrimp.  The poached sole was delicious!  He did not chop the shrimp for the filling, omitted the dill and substituted apple juice for the wine.  I was surprised cream cheese was an ingredient because cheese isn't paired with fish very often.  This dish is a definite keeper!

Poached Sole Rolls
source:  Jean Paré.  Company's Coming Heart-Friendly Cooking, 2003, Pp. 94.

8 sole fillets
¼ c light spreadable cream cheese
1-3 tbsp chopped fresh dill (omitted)
3 tbsp chopped green onion
12 oz raw medium shrimp, chopped
¾ c dry white wine
½ c water

Lemon Sauce

1 tbsp butter
3 tbsp all-purpose flour
2 tbsp lemon juice

Lay fillets on cutting board.  Blot dry.  Mash cream cheese, dill and green onion in medium bowl until well mixed and smooth.  Add shrimp mixing well.  Spread about 2 tbsp of the mixture over each fillet.  Roll up securing with wooden pick.  Combine water and wine in ungreased shallow casserole dish.  Arrange rolls in a single layer in the wine mixture.  Cover.  Bake at 175ºC (350ºF) for 20 to 25 minutes until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork.  Gently remove fish from liquid using a slotted spoon.  Keep warm.  Strain the liquid reserving 1½ c.

Melt butter in medium saucepan on medium heat.  Stir in flour until smooth.  Heat and stir for 1 minute.  Whisk in reserved liquid and lemon juice.  Heat and stir until boiling and thickened.  Makes about 1 c.  Serve over fish rolls.

Serves 8


  1. Good luck to him! :)

  2. I love foodie blogs! I love phrases like "pan seared." Good luck to your hubby! The ingredients are simple and it does look easy to make. I shall definitely try it out one of these days. Thanks for posting this :)

  3. I will relay the "good lucks" to my hubby :) Of course he's up against me on this one so he's going to need a bit of luck, LOL. Actually he is a foodie who loves to cook as well.

    @Mama Mia You are quite welcome. Aren't foodie phrases fun :) The nice thing about Jean Paré's cookbooks is they are down to earth cooking with simple enough ingredients anyone can make the dishes. I have a lot of her cookbooks and they are all good.


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