
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Strawberry Mango Jam

I mentioned in yesterday's post that  of the local grocery stores had strawberries on for 99¢ per pound last week.  While they were not local berries and they were packaged in 4 lb clam shell packages (not my favourite packaging) the price was good enough to pick up some.  This is one thing to keep in mind when canning.  Local produce is always preferred but don't overlook good deals on produce not grown locally like bananas, mangos, kiwis and mandarin oranges. 

strawberry mango jam
This has been the year of the mango so far.  As I was making jam that day I thought strawberries and mango would make a nice a combination for jam.  The nice thing about making combination jams is there really is no set amount for each fruit used as long as they add up to the total amount of desired fruit.  In this case I wanted 4 cups total in berries to give a yield of 2 - 500 ml jars of jam with just a little leftover.  It's always best to make just a little extra of the test jam to be sure there is enough jam to fill 2 full jars which is my prefered number for test batches of jams.  A test batch is just that.  I'm looking for flavour, gelling, textures and appearance as well as how well received the jam is before making a larger batch.

The strawberry mango jam did not disappoint.  The next time I make it I will add a bit of vanilla to make the flavours sparkle.  The jam gelled nicely so the pectin and calcium water do not need to be adjusted.  The jam has a nice appearance and wonderful flavour.

Strawberry Mango Jam

3 c prepared strawberries
1 c mango, diced
2 c organic sugar
¼ c preservative free lemon juice
2 tsp Pomona's pectin
2 tsp calcium water

Wash and hull the strawberries.   Chop in food processor measuring out 3 cups.    Pour prepared strawberries into large saucepan.  Dice mango and measure out 1 cup.  Mix mango into the strawberries.  Mix in lemon juice and calcium water.  In a separate bowl, mix the sugar and pectin well.  Bring the fruit mixture to a boil.  Stir in the sugar/pectin mixture.  Return to a low boil cooking and stirring until sugar is dissolved.  Allow to cool 5 minutes stirring occasionally.  Ladle into hot jars.  Secure the two piece lids.  Process in BWB canner for 10 minutes or adjusted timing according to altitude adjustment chart for your altitude.

Yield: 2 - 500 ml (pint) jars

*Pomona's pectin is a low methoxy pectin.  Do not substitute with other powdered pectins in this recipe.

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