
Friday, July 02, 2010


I've mentioned on this blog a few times that we support a local sports team that sells boxed meat packages as a fund raiser.  While we tend to support local community fund raisers I am always interested in those that sell food.  This particular fund raiser is rather interesting in that we buy one or more boxes of prepared meat like kabobs.  We pay for it then get a voucher for the number of boxes we bought.  We then have until the end of August to pick up our boxes of meat.  It works out well for us while supporting a worthy cause.

My husband tends to be the one that makes the boxed meat choices because they catch him at the office.  This year one of the boxed meats was pol-kabobs.  Pol-kabobs are made locally from marinated and breaded pork sirloin roast on a skewer.  They are fully cooked so just need heating to serve.  Each box contains 26 pieces.    The pol-kabobs can be heated in the microwave, oven or on the grill.

Thursday night's dinner was one of those put together, rummage through the pantry and freezer with no real plan in mind meals.   We were gearing up for our Canada Day celebrations so kept the meal the night before simple.  We used up a box of breaded fish sticks and some of the pol-kabobs cooked in the oven then paired them with homemade French fries.  The end result was a rather nice, simple meal.  The pol-kabobs were surprisingly very meaty and filling.  They were just a bit different from our normal fare too so that was nice.


  1. his unfailing love12:10 PM

    It's my first time to be here I guess, my kids love this food... But I force them to eat veggies and fruits too...

  2. Hi his unfailing love and thanks for visiting. If you follow this blog you will see it is fairly heavy on the fruits and vegetables too. The meal in this post is a very rare, rather abnormal meal for us.


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