
Friday, July 16, 2010

Low Sugar Mixed Berry Jam

Each year I experiment trying new canning recipes in addition to my tried and tested recipes.  Quite often I end up finding one or more recipes that can be added to my ever growing list of tried and tested recipes.  It's nice to be able to new products to the pantry shelves!

mixed berry jam
It is common practice in canning to lower the cost while increasing the yield of a product by combining lower priced or more abundant produce with higher priced or less abundant produce.  This practice helps to use up the garden's bounty as well.  Mixed berry jams are great for using up the last of the season berries of one type while berries of another type are in season.  It is a good way to get the flavour of higher priced berries like raspberries while stretching the jam yield by adding less expensive berries.  One of the local grocery stores had strawberries on for 99¢ per lb as well as blueberries and blackberries on for $1.47 per pint.  Local raspberries are in season now going for $2.25 per pint.  A small batch of jam using the more expensive berries would cost $5.58 to $10 for 5 - 250 ml (half pint) jars.  Mixing the berries to make a mixed berry jam that includes the cheaper strawberries reduces the cost while giving the same yield.  Mixing the berries is not all about cost savings though.  Mixing the berries gives a wonderfully, full bodied jam full of flavour.  This jams is simply delightful!

Low Sugar Mixed Berry Jam
source:  Garden Gnome

4 c mixed berries*, crushed
2 c organic sugar
2 tsp Pomona's pectin**
2 tsp calcium water

Wash and prepare the berries.  Measure 4 cups of prepared berries.   Place the berries into a large saucepan.  Stir in calcium water.  In a separate bowl, mix the sugar and pectin well.  Bring the fruit mixture to a boil.  Stir in the sugar/pectin mixture.  Return to a low boil cooking and stirring until sugar is dissolved.  Ladle into hot jars.  Secure the two piece lids.  Process in BWB canner for 10 minutes or adjusted timing according to altitude adjustment chart for your altitude.
Yield: 5 - 250 ml (half-pint) jars

* I used about 1 cup each of black berries, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
** Pomona's pectin is a low methoxy pectin.  Do not substitute with other powdered pectins in this recipe


  1. Another delicious looking recipe. Wish I lived closer! :)


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