
Monday, July 05, 2010

Frugal Kitchens 101 - Rice

Frugal Kitchens 101

Rice has been a staple in many countries and is the most commonly consumed grain in the world, second only in North America to wheat.  In general rices tend to be a very inexpensive starch, certainly less expensive than potatoes.  In comparison to wheat an 8 kg bag of long grain rice cost me $6.99 but has the potential to make almost 4 times that amount with little more than water making rice an extremely frugal starch choice.  Currently rices in my pantry include: Basmati, brown Basmati, Arborio, white long grain, Jasmine, Calrose and Thai sweet rice.   This week's Frugal Kitchens 101 focuses on rice and why it is a frugal choice as a side or ingredient.
  • price - Rice regardless of the variety is quite inexpensive, even less expensive than potatoes.  In general plain long grain white rice is the cheapest but even more expensive short grain varieties and converted rices.  White rice has been stripped of most of it's nutrients so a more frugal choice is brown rice that has a higher nutrition value yet the price is fairly close to that of white rice.  My experience has been that rice regardless of the variety seldom goes on sale but the nice thing is the price of larger bags of rice tends to stay fairly consistent.  An initial outlay of about $30 will give you enough rice to feed a family of 4 for well over a year!
  • storage - Most rices keep well in cool, dry locations for years.  The exception to this is brown rices that have more rice oil in them so they can become rancid but that problem can be solved by storing the rice in the freezer or refrigerator.  Buy rice in bulk in large sized packages then store in a cool, dark location in metal or heavy plastic bins to protect from water and/or rodent damage.
  • versatility - Rice can be used as a meat/soup extender, appetizer, side dish, salad, basic ingredient, or base for a dessert.  Leftover rice reheats nicely and it can be frozen for later use if desired.  Leftover rice can also be tossed into soups and stews. 
  • easy cooking - Rice can be cooked on the stove with nothing more than a saucepan with lid or in the microwave over or a rice maker.  I personally prefer a rice maker for convenience.  Uncooked rice can also be added to casseroles, soups, meatballs and similar dishes where it will cook along with the other ingredients.


  1. Thanks! We love rice, too. :)
    And I just wanted to add for your poll, that I use the search box, links within your posts and I find a lot stuff with the 'you might also like'. :)

  2. I Linda :) You're welcome! Thanks for letting me know how you are finding information on my blog. It's interesting to see which methods are effective and it will help me to decide whether or not to remove the ineffective methods.


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