
Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Husband's Grilled Ribs

During the summer months we eat a fair number of ribs.  We each have our different styles of cooking ribs so ribs tend to be different each time we serve them. After our vacation my husband headed right to the grill where he managed to grill a lovely meal of T-bone steaks.  He had to fix our grill before we could use it again as the burner was beyond being able to use.  Replacing a burner in a grill is not expensive or difficult but it is a dirty job! 

ribs on the grill
The kids emailed to say they would be down on the weekend so I took one of the large packages of ribs from the freezer.  It turns out they weren't going to be here for dinner but the ribs did not go to waste as friends came for dinner.  My husband baked the ribs covered at 150ºC (300ºF) for 3 hours then finished them on the grill, mopping them with Diana Sauce® in the last 15 minutes of grilling.  It is important when using a mop (wet sauce) to not put it on the ribs too early or at too hot of temperatures as the sugar in the sauce will burn.  The mop should be brushed on 15 to 20 minutes before the meat is to be served.  Let it slightly caramelize on the first side then flip, mop again and let the sauce slightly caramelize.

grilled rib dinner
I served the ribs with grill baked potatoes topped with sour cream and garden fresh chives, bean and carrot mixture and freezer pickles (not pictured).  It was a simple summer meal served outside on the dock enjoying the good company of friends with the sights and sounds of the water.  The ribs were nice and tender, melt in your mouth and packed full of flavour.  The real trick with cooking ribs is long and slow!  Most recipes call for pre-cooking ribs in the oven or on the grill in a covered roasting for a period of time usually 3 hours or more at a low temperature then following up by finishing on the grill at a higher temperature using a rub and/or mop.  Ribs using a dry rub sometimes are not pre-cooked but I don't find those as tender.  Done properly with a long-slow pre-cooking then finished on the grill gives lovely, mouthwatering, fall-off-the bone, melt-in-your-mouth ribs.


  1. wow.. the ribs look so yummy.. and the veggies too!

    Your post makes me hungry!


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